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Christian Life University

Has the Church Replaced Israel?

by Pastor Mike Wells 

   Is the church the New Israel?  Does the Jewish Nation even exist today? Our answer to these questions determines our view of today’s news and of the future. Join us as we dig into this topic!  

Everyday Questions

by RZIM  

Room C-114 

“Everyday Questions” is a nine-week study that will prepare you to love your neighbors and share the gospel in today’s complex and changing world.  Through this study, we will deal with the four basic questions that form a world view with: Origin, Meaning, ! Morality, Destiny.

Jesus Continued

by J.D. Greear

Room C-116 

Why do so many of us think of Christianity as a lifestyle to which we conform, rather than a God with whom we commune?  Jesus gave His disciples the promise that it was to their advantage that He go back to heaven because the Holy Spirit could then come to live inside them.  Through this study, You’ll see how you can have a satisfying, powerful 
relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.